Week 16 | New Companion

March 22, 2020


This week was pretty uneventful, we just did our thing, you know, like, we just, like, were missionaries. I have a new companion and yes, I'm still in Lake Rotoroa(not Rotorua).

He's from the factory (Salt Lake city, Utah). His name is Elder Bee, which is good, because most people here can't remember names but Bee is hard to forget. We are  getting along just fine.
I still don't have COVID-19, in case you were wondering. There are two cases at the Waikato hospital, which is in my area, but as far as we know it is contained and we aren't in any immediate danger of getting the virus. So, you all can relax, because most of what I've been doing this week is eating sleeping and, yep you guessed it, biking. We ditched that lousy car. It wasn't getting us anywhere, except maybe depression. You heard it here first folks, the Lake elders are going carbon neutral. So, nobody can say I wasn't doing my part to help the environment. I didn't have rear brakes for most of the week, and the front brakes just squeal, but I figured out how to tighten the brakes eventually (last night). But, we are still going at it here. We haven't taught, but guess who has one and a half thumbs and is meeting the members...this guy (I didn't lose a finger, yet, I'm just writing this after a long hard days work the night before Pday to give me more time to play basketball).
We did service for a lady whose husband is a builder(hoarder), but we just moved a portion of a gigantic mess from under her house to on the side of her house. Her cats kept trying to get in the way and get stepped on, so we tried to stick one under a bucket and put one of the sinks we found, on top of it, but it got out from under the bucket and almost got smashed by the sink. That's our fun little anecdote for the week, I guess. Heh heh, I hope nobody who reads these likes cats, because they were literally coming out of the walls of this place. At least they both have a lot of something. Cats and garbage go so well together, it's where I would put a cat if it found it's way into my house.
We also split some wood this week. Don't worry, I did you proud, no log can beat me, and my new blisters. I think I can send a video, but I don't know if I want to. I'll just send pictures of my cool new blisters.

I hope y'all had a great week. If anyone gets Corona virus, give me a shout, I'll start keeping a scoreboard of how many friends and family I know that have corona. Anyway, I am so appreciative of you all. Thank you for your emails, they helped a ton. I really needed them for a while there. I'll try my best to respond to them, but I'm going to try and buy basketball shoes, so I don't know how long that will take.

I love and miss you all. And I always pray for you and hope you all stay safe. Just know that someone across the world loves you. Well, until next week.
Love, Elder Plaisted

Elder Bee not eating his veggies

My assorted blisters from wood splitting

Our 14 day supply of food.

The rain at night

Dinner with Fiu Tuhipelehake Family
